From a book by "So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love", Cal Newport mention against just chasing our passions and focusing on skills. I am weary of passion being an overly hyped word, and I usually prefer to focus on the idea of being curious :) Interesting article to spark more discussions on keeping people's motivation beyond financial gains !
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Yes, the word “passion” is much abused by interviewees these days so it’s up to hiring managers to ask the sharper questions to determine if passion is real or just a “phishing” term used by interviewees rather. :)
From a book by "So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love", Cal Newport mention against just chasing our passions and focusing on skills. I am weary of passion being an overly hyped word, and I usually prefer to focus on the idea of being curious :) Interesting article to spark more discussions on keeping people's motivation beyond financial gains !
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Yes, the word “passion” is much abused by interviewees these days so it’s up to hiring managers to ask the sharper questions to determine if passion is real or just a “phishing” term used by interviewees rather. :)