Great that you are calling this out, Koo. Agree with you on the analogy to a politician. Many data analysts / data scientists don't realise that there is NO truth in data, only reasonable interpretations. For too long, data practitioners have subscribed to the lie that data is objective and represents ground truth, and so they they don't worry about the storytelling but focus on the "facts" (as they perceive them). Taking on a politician's perspective forces the data practitioner to ask: "How can my data "facts" be re-interpreted and even mis-interpreted?" "What are the information signals my audience is looking for to reinforce their individual decision-making positions?"

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Thanks for the validation! Was thinking along this line as well after writing this issue. Especially about the interpretation and reducing the room for mis-interpretation. And going back to our favorite topic too, what are the information signals we are sending out especially audiences interpretation. Not an easy task for sure especially for the greener folks.

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