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I like to share my thoughts on the world, especially in the space of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and their intersection/applications in different industries. I am also very passionate about helping companies and talents to build up their capabilities and knowledge in this field so that we build a better world with Artificial Intelligence.
Your subscription and continuous interaction through reading, reacting, and commenting will help me in understanding what the world needs to understand about Artificial Intelligence, and provide more content towards it!
Your subscription ensures the content reaches you in a timely manner instead of relying on social media algorithms. It allows me to know there are people interested in my content providing me the ongoing motivation, as I deal with my work here in Singapore.
If my work has impacted you in a certain way, consider buying me “books”, to let me continue my content creation and curation for you! :)
Click on the “Subscribe” button and let us journey together to build Intelligence together! :D