I do not know if you realize this, as we go along walking down the path of AI development and AI finding its way into a lot of domains, we start questioning a lot of basic assumptions, connotation and the meaning of a lot of words that we previously used interchangeably or indiscriminately.
For instance, Ethics and Morals, prompted by (what I considered as absurd) ‘AI Ethics’. Knowledge, Skills, Competencies, Proficiency are terms that we need to re-visit because of Lifelong Learning, brought about by AI creative destruction of jobs and roles.
What does all this mean actually?
AI disruption is real, whichever aspect, domain, or industry it ‘touches’. We will need to revisit the very basic principles and foundation of each of them.
We might have frivolously used a lot of words in our conversation to this point in time, the meaning of these terms might have evolved, and it is time to re-check them again…which means maybe the dictionary need an overhaul rather. Although not a linguistic historian but mucking around with NLP (Natural Language Processing), language does behave like a living organism that evolves. Just look at the infamous 4-letter curse word that starts with ‘F’ and end with ‘K’.
Questioning the definitions and foundations of the terms will bring in new idea, and expectations. Some circumstances might be more serious than it seems, and some might just be minor.
To summarize, AI is disruptive. What we as individuals will need to first realize that AI will bring about changes. Prepare and brace ourselves for the changes to come, and here I am being more optimistic, these changes will bring about new opportunities for folks who are sufficient ready for it, and for companies who are agile.
So what are your thoughts? :)
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